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NMSG Watercolors

Painting Ice

I am fascinated by the colours and patterns in ice.  The edge of our lake (Chebacco Lake in Essex) provide endless painting material.  It’s full of reflections, frozen bubbles, bits of trees and grass, weeds, cracks, crystals, and other lovely things.  Sometimes, you can even see fish swimming along underneath.  The otter eats mussels under our dock and leaves shells, which get frozen into the layers.  The wind pushes big sheets up against the shore, breaking it up into interesting shapes and planes and creating stress patterns.  If I let my mind wander, animals and angel wings and faces appear, like looking for things in clouds.  Every trip down to the washing machine in the basement takes twice as long because I have to see what new things have appeared while I wasn’t looking.  Watercolor is the perfect medium for painting ice because I can paint layer after layer until it takes on a life of its own.  This is a project that I suspect I will continue to add to for many years.

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